Green Country Business Valuations, LLC recognizes our responsibility in protecting the privacy of our clients. Our professional standards require that we maintain the confidentiality and security of customer information. Members of the National Association of Certified Valuators & Analysts (Lance LeBlanc, member and accredited Certified Valuation Analyst) are bound by the General and Ethical Standards provisions in the NACVA Professional Standards which include the confidentiality clause (Standard II.G) which states:
“Unless required to do so by competent legal authority, a member shall not disclose any confidential client information to a third party without first obtaining the express consent of the client.”
In addition, we follow the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and it’s Ethics Rule, which contains conduct, management, confidentiality and record keeping provisions. The following is an explanation of information that is collected by our firm, and how it is managed.
Information Collected:
Information obtained for valuation purposes can be public, as through public records, or private, through the customer or the client. Information of a non-public nature, while necessary to complete the assignment, will not be used for any other purpose, other than that which could be sanctioned by law.
Information Communicated:
The only parties privy to our data are the client and any intended users of our report. We are bound by a fiduciary responsibility to these parties per USPAP’s Ethics Rule and Standard 5 of the USPAP. Through the course of the business of appraising, it is possible that information about a clients’ property may be used for comparison purposes as comparable data, however the information is typically that of a public nature, and not considered confidential. Other information obtained through the appraisal process that is non-public will be kept strictly confidential.
Record Keeping:
Appraisers are required by USPAP to keep work files for a specified period of time. The files, whether physical or electronic, are safeguarded to ensure your privacy, in accordance with our professional standards.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please e-mail us.